Aquarium New: ‘Frogs: Dazzling and Disappearing'

A number of fresh-for-summer happenings will soon open at the Long Beach aquatic institution.

What are the specific sounds that let you know that summer is on approach?

Maybe the chukka-chukka of a sprinkler, or the trilly song of a bird, or the hiss and pop of a grill coming to life. 

If you said "ribbit," too, well, you're in the zone. Frogs provide a lovely and lulling evening soundtrack as the days grow warmer in several of the Golden State's watery spots.

One of the wateriest is not found in the rivers of the woods, however, but rather in Long Beach, at the Aquarium of the Pacific. And the awesome amphibians will dominate the summer scene at the fishful institution when "Frogs: Dazzling and Disappearing" debuts on Friday, May 26.

The name of the exhibition, a call to action and change, says much. For spying the slick-of-skin superstars in the exhibit won't simply be about admiring their amazing hues, froggy shapes, and ribbit-making abilities, but pondering how we non-ribbiters can play a role in helping these water-to-land wonders thrive and survive.

A series of lectures, displays, and more educational goings-on will light up the web-footed world of our friend, the frog.

More summer openings are ahead for the aquarium, including a look at the California water story via "Our Water Future." And the archerfish, famous for its ability to "shoot water," allowing it to net its next meal, will also have a fascinating cameo on the upcoming exhibition calendar.

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