
Concoct the Magic Castle's 2022 Halloween Cocktail at Home

An otherworldly libation, created by Food & Beverage Manager Janeen Puente, is the magicians' club spirited sip for a spirited season.

The Magic Castle

What to Know

  • "Dreamcatcher," a libation featuring Dahlia Cristalino tequila, is the 2022 Halloween cocktail at the world-famous magicians' clubhouse
  • The Magic Castle is a private club located in Hollywood; the Victorian venue is open to its members and their guests
  • Food & Beverage Manager Janeen Puente created the colorful cocktail in honor of the season that's most synonymous with the spirit of the Magic Castle

Magical lore is awash with imaginative liquids of all sorts, from bubbling potions to ethereal elixirs.

In fact, it's difficult to find a sorcery-packed tale that's completely potion-free, for the characters roaming supernatural worlds often pause to quaff a quirky drink.

Likewise, magical locations on this side of the veil, the veil draped between the realms of fanciful fiction and the nonfictional real world, are also known for their intriguing libations.

And at the Magic Castle? A host of cocktails, created for the private club's members and their guests, often boast otherworldly hues, strange garnishes, and themes that pay tribute to the time of year.

There is no time of year that's quite as suited to Magic Castle-style celebrating as Halloween. The club's legendary dress code, famous for being on the fancier side, is waived if you show up wearing a costume, and the feel in the air?

It boasts a potent pinch of the fantastically fright-tastic, in the most delicious and spooky sense.

To raise a literal glass to the perfect match that is Halloween and the Hollywood magicians' headquarters, there is a new drink: Dreamcatcher.

It's a nod to the mysterious venue's 2022 Halloween theme — "Nightmares & Dreams" — and will only be served through October.

Janeen Puente, the Food & Beverage Manager at the Magic Castle, created the sip, which she calls "our dreamy take on a margarita."

Ms. Puente shared her recipe so Magic Castle mavens could fashion the libation at home:


1 1/2 oz. Dahlia Cristalino tequila

3/4 oz. Cointreau Noir

3/4 oz. yuzu puree

1/4 oz. lemon juice

1/4 oz. agave

1 dash brew glitter (a "glittery powder" created specifically for beverages; find out more here.)

"Garnish with a blue LED ice cube and star fruit," shares the magical mixologist.

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