Descanso Gardens

‘Cultivate' is bidding a gorgeous garden goodbye to summer

Enjoy DJ music, gardening chitchat, and more at the easygoing Descanso Gardens event.

Descanso Gardens

What to Know

  • "Cultivate" at Descanso Gardens in La Cañada Flintridge
  • Friday, Aug. 23 from 4:30 to 7 p.m.
  • DJ tunes, gardening tips, and more give this afternoon/evening affair plenty of oxygen
  • Included with garden admission or membership

Is it fall yet?

Recent mornings have provided an answer for us: Not quite, but kind-of-sort-of-maybe.

It's a complicated answer for the morning to give, it's true, but if you've stepped outside recently, you understand where that answer is coming from: The dawn air has a twinge to it, a fizzy feeling that says summer is searching for the exit.

Other signs abound, though, that summer should be sumptuously summered while the summering is high.

Warm-weather evening events are beginning to wind down around town, including the charming "Cultivate" at Descanso Gardens.

True, this garden gathering isn't truly an evening affair — it flowers from 4:30 to 7 p.m. — but it does push the fun a bit later, well, later than usual, we should say, for the La Cañada Flintridge destination.

The final "Cultivate" of the season is coming up on Aug. 23, with tunes from The Flash Dance DJs — make for the Rose Garden for the music — and other convivial outdoorsy things, like appearances by Friends of the Los Angeles River and the Theodore Payne Foundation for Wild Flowers & Native Plants.

Oh yes: A "succulent giveaway" is on the schedule, too. Sweet.

Your admission to Descanso Gardens, or your garden membership, is all that is required for entry.

And once there... have you checked out the sweet miniature depots now dotting the miniature train area? They're among the newer additions to the ethereal space.

A space, by the by, that will soon be taken over by oodles of glowing pumpkins when "Carved" returns in October.

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