Enjoy a Last Dance With Dance DTLA 2020

The summer-vibrant, totally free happening will soon twirl away again; you're invited to join in from home.

Tim Platt

What to Know

  • Friday, Sept. 4 at 7 p.m.
  • Streaming on the Dance DTLA site
  • Free; includes a Samba dance lesson

Beginnings and endings?

We seem to stop and notice the passage of time more keenly whenever something is starting and something is ending.

And the ending part? We do feel the fleeting nature of moments quite sharply, especially when an ending dovetails with the close of summertime, a nostalgia-filled season.

The summer of 2020 hasn't proven to be quite so carefree as in years gone by, but many of our cultural institutions have worked hard to connect with locals by delivering free programs full of movement, community, and joy.

The Music Center has been a stand-out in this uplifting arena, unsurprisingly, thanks in large part to Dance DTLA.

The long-running event, which has taken place at Music Center Plaza in years gone by, is a favorite freebie for Southern Californians who love to twirl, swing, and dip in the vicinity of other high-spirited people.

It doesn't seem like it would be an event that could make its way into our homes, at least at first glance. But the good people of the Grand Avenue hub o' happiness made it happen, offering virtual dance evenings, presented for free, each Friday night over two summer 2020 months.

That time is now at its end, for the final Dance DTLA 2020 will take place on Sept. 4.

As with all Dance DTLA nights, there is a theme, and Samba is the vivacious vibe for the series closer.

Fransini Giraldo is the instructor, and there's a dance lesson, so you can polish some of those basic Samba-inspired steps.

So clear out the chairs, and the coffee table, too, and get some merry movement in at home, for free, before Dance DTLA bids us adieu for another nine or so months.

Hope to see you back on the plaza one day, Dance DTLA.

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