San Pedro

First Thursday Art Walks Are Sauntering Again in San Pedro

Visit galleries, enjoy outdoor dining, and stroll down vibrant streets at this community-cool favorite.

Michael Justice

What to Know

  • Thursday, Aug. 5 in Downtown San Pedro
  • Masks are required indoors
  • Open galleries, outdoor dining, live music at Sixth St. & Mesa St.


We don't have much reason to do so in our day-to-day lives, and opportunities to play the gadabout are unfortunately few.

But gadabouts in the mood for a gallivant typically have their needs met when an intriguing, sight-filled, sound-lush art walk pops up, the kind of pay-nothing, get-to-know-our-area events that spotlight several local businesses, art hubs, eateries, and alfresco spots made for live shows.

The art walk scene has been slimmer, for sure, since the spring of 2020, but, here and there, they're beginning to gallivant back into our worlds, hearts, and activity-seeking minds.

San Pedro, which has long been one of the aforementioned hubs of art, music, great eating, and sublime sauntering, is ready to bring back its art walk, which it will do on Thursday, Aug. 5.

It's the First Thursday Art Walk, and it will include looks inside a number of local galleries, a guided tour, and live music at Sixth and Mesa.

Want to join the tour?

Be sure to show up at Sirens Java & Tea by 6 o'clock, while the tunes will also roll at 6 p.m. (U.S. 99 Band will be on the stage).

If you count yourself as a longtime fan of this happening, and think you attended some of the very first outings, well, hooray: This San Pedro soirée can trace its history back to 1997.

There are hashtags to know, if you want to share your art-forward gallivanting, places to peruse in advance, if you want to know what the city's historic core has to offer, and more Pedro-perfect vibes to soak in, whether you attend the first returning First Thursday or hope to be at one down the road.

Read all here, and plan your soon-or-future gadabouting in this grand part of a grand town.

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