Grey Stuff: New Disneyland Treat

Find the "Beauty and the Beast"-inspired bite at the Red Rose Taverne.

From the moment that Lumière implored Belle to "try the grey stuff, it's delicious" in the 1991 animated film "Beauty and the Beast" kids, and adults, too, have ruminated on this one question: "What, exactly, does 'grey stuff' taste like?"

After all, not much of our daily grub holds that particular hue, so finding cuisine that's the color of a cloudy day has challenged intrepid Disney fans for over a quarter century now.

Then, though, grey stuff began popping up, temptingly, on special menus, at restaurants like Be Our Guest in Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom.

Good news, though, for West Coasters: You don't need to ride your horse all the way through the woods to Florida to try the grey stuff: Disneyland now has it, at the Red Rose Taverne.

The "limited-time experience" that is the tavern — er, taverne, rather — is a re-imagining of the Village Haus Restaurant in Fantasyland. And Grey Stuff Gateau, a "white chocolate mousse and red velvet cake with a sweet raspberry center," isn't the only "Beauty and the Beast"-inspired bite to be found on the menu. Gaston's Famous Brew, an apple-mango punch, and Chicken Sandwich à la Lumière are but two of the picks on the sizable list.

The Red Rose Taverne, and the themed eats and drinks, are a gastro-homage to the upcoming March 17, 2017 opening of the live-action "Beauty and the Beast." 

Beyond the enchanged edibles, there are a few other film-inspired happenings around the Anaheim park, including a presentation at The Royal Theatre of "Beauty and the Beast" and special collectibles for sale near the Red Rose Taverne.

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And will Gaston himself call upon Fantasyland, to meet his adoring fans? Mais oui. Follow the flash of his red shirt, his booming tones, and, of course, the muscles he so often stops to show off to his special Fantasyland spot.

Like magical spells in the Disney universe, though, do keep in mind that the taverne is, again, a "limited-time experience." So saddle up your BHF — your best horse forever — and clip-clop to the world's most famous theme park before the last petal falls from the rose.

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