If you've ever sauntered along Hermosa Beach Pier just as our nearest star is touching, then sinking into, the Pacific Ocean, you know that particular velvety feeling of pure spellbound-a-tude.
It's a feeling that the 2016 film "La La Land" aptly captured in the memorable "City of Stars" scene featuring Ryan Gosling, a dancing couple, a line-up of vintage lampposts, and the pier that Southern Californians know so well.
To honor the historical, felled-by-a-storm, then-grandly-rebuilt century-plus landmark, and its fresh stardom in the new musical movie, "the Hermosa Beach Pier was transformed back into a set from the Academy Award-winning film 'La La Land,' hosting members of the film's production team for a mayoral proclamation ceremony."
The ceremonial spellbound-a-tude took place at 5 p.m. on Sunday, April 30. And the soundtrack? Musicians, straight from the flick itself, provided the tunes.
It's a time of day that arrived just a smidgen before the twilight-y time in which the film's mood-laden scene took place, making the moment a perfect dovetailing of real-life ceremony and movie-based magic.
Of course, this wasn't the only "La La Land"-lovely event of the week; hoofers in hue-bright attire danced on the side of City Hall on Tuesday, April 25, which was proclaimed as "La La Land" Day in Los Angeles. (Yes, on the side.)