Hermosa Beach Pier: ‘La La Land' Day

A special ceremony recognized the ocean-adjacent landmark's role in the film.

If you've ever sauntered along Hermosa Beach Pier just as our nearest star is touching, then sinking into, the Pacific Ocean, you know that particular velvety feeling of pure spellbound-a-tude.

It's a feeling that the 2016 film "La La Land" aptly captured in the memorable "City of Stars" scene featuring Ryan Gosling, a dancing couple, a line-up of vintage lampposts, and the pier that Southern Californians know so well. 

To honor the historical, felled-by-a-storm, then-grandly-rebuilt century-plus landmark, and its fresh stardom in the new musical movie, "the Hermosa Beach Pier was transformed back into a set from the Academy Award-winning film 'La La Land,' hosting members of the film's production team for a mayoral proclamation ceremony."

The ceremonial spellbound-a-tude took place at 5 p.m. on Sunday, April 30. And the soundtrack? Musicians, straight from the flick itself, provided the tunes.

It's a time of day that arrived just a smidgen before the twilight-y time in which the film's mood-laden scene took place, making the moment a perfect dovetailing of real-life ceremony and movie-based magic.

Of course, this wasn't the only "La La Land"-lovely event of the week; hoofers in hue-bright attire danced on the side of City Hall on Tuesday, April 25, which was proclaimed as "La La Land" Day in Los Angeles. (Yes, on the side.)

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