What to Know
- Free recipe for Mee Goreng
- Singapore's Banana Leaf at the Original Farmers Market
- Garlic, onions, and lime at zest to the popular fried noodles
Strolling through the spectacular streets of Singapore while craving a rich, almost brothy bowl of spicy noodle-based goodness?
Your thoughts will likely turn to Mee Goreng, a classic Indonesian cuisine that includes not only piquant noodles but several other appetizing ingredients, from green onions to shallots to sprouts to garlic, and an egg, too, if you're in the mood for a burst of protein.
It's a flavorful and filling dish that is full of creative culinary flair, something that has long been true at Singapore's Banana Leaf, at the Original Farmers Market.
The venerable, much-beloved eatery, which can be found on the south side of the clocktower'd landmark, has been serving these superstar noodles to happy customers for several years now, and Singapore's Banana Leaf's vibrant version remains a much-seen, oft-enjoyed lunch and dinner choice around the alfresco destination.
Lime adds citrusy zing to the eatery's take on the timeless noodle dish, and, ginger ups the zest.
And the sauce? There's some spice, for sure, a nice complement to the dish's beautifully layered, slightly brothy nature.
You can find it, most any day of the year, at the Third & Fairfax public market, which is open for takeout and pick-up.
And if you visit on Jan. 27?
You'll save on your Mee Goreng purchase, which is priced, right now, at ten dollars. You can request a vegetarian spin on the superstar fried noodles, but chicken can be added, too, for another dollar.
Of course, if you've dreamed of perfecting your own Singapore-style supper in your own kitchen, the Original Farmers Market has posted the Singapore's Banana Leaf recipe for Mee Goreng, as part of its Market Menu Favorites series.