Pajamas on the Beach: Earth Day Clean-Up

Spread the cold cream on, don your slippers and head for Long Beach

Every beachgoer knows what it's like to find sand in one's sandals, or hair, or straw bag, or towel rolls, or everything.

But having sand stick to cold cream that's recently been applied to the face or curlers atop one's head may be a new sensation for intrepid, planet-loving merrymakers who take to the beach at Belmont Shore on Saturday, April 18.

It's Beach Clean-Up time at 1 Granada Avenue, as it is most Saturdays, but the April 18 volunteer effort comes with a photo-worthy, funny bone-ready twist: Participants are asked to dress in their pajamas while they spiffy-up the shoreline.

The touching, feel-good, pitch-in part of it all? This is the annual Earth Day edition of the 30-Minute Beach Clean-Up, which is overseen by local get-involver Justin Rudd (he of the Haute Dog parades and other charitable Long Beach to-dos).

Shall there be cash prizes for those who don the best nightwear? Oh, there shall be, which should be impetus enough to not just show in the raggy-but-comfy shorts and tee you usually slip on to go to sleep. Rather, think full flannel get-ups, the kind that have pig patterns or sheep, and think curlers in the hair and cold cream on the face, too.

Maybe an eye mask? Worn on the head? This is your chance to go Full Bedroom, fashion-wise, for the enjoyment of people you've never met and possible prize-winning, too.

Just make sure you can pick up trash on the beach while wearing what you choose to wear (so, yeah, maybe the super-shorty stuff can stay back home, in the bureau). As for slippers? Well, you'll get sand in 'em, for sure, so as long as they're the open-toed sort, you're probably not in for too much discomfort.

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The Earth Day, Pajama Time edition of the 30-Minute Beach Clean-Up is on Saturday, April 18 at 10 a.m. at 1 Granada Avenue in Long Beach. 

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