Art and Culture

The ‘demurest' destination in town? The Huntington takes the crown

The San Marino landmark celebrates the "demure" TikTok trend by sharing some of its demurest artworks.

Alexander Vertikoff/The Huntington Library, Art Museums, and Botanical Gardens

What to Know

  • "Demure" and "mindful" have become late-summer trends online
  • Chicago creator Jools Lebron recently celebrated a "demure" and "mindful" approach to stepping out into the world
  • The Huntington Library, Art Museum, and Botanical Gardens highlighted some of its demurest artworks in a humorous Aug. 17 social post

The Huntington Library, Art Museum, and Botanical Gardens may be, at first glance, a lovely and lacy location that strictly adheres to a staid and unruffled state of extreme sereneness.

The San Marino landmark can be stunningly serene, yes, but there is plenty of mirthful merrymaking at The Huntington's not-so-hallowed heart, too.

Consider that all of the garden's spotlight-taking Corpse Flowers boast names that aren't especially precious — the marvelously monikered Stankosaurus Rex was a recent favorite — and The Huntington's annual Halloween season party, a fun festivity that brims with quirky costumed energy.

Now The Huntington is embracing the "demure" trend, the talked-about TikTok sensation that began with a viral video from creator Jools Lebron.

If you're ready to demurely step into a "demure fall" while assuming a "mindful" and "considerate" approach to autumn, look to The Huntington's painting-packed Aug. 17 social post.

The post really does reveal that the rose-filled, sculpture-dense destination, one of the region's historical gems, may be among the "demurest" of Southern California attractions.

In fact, The Huntington dubs itself "the demurest" in the effervescent update, a not-too-serious self-titling that further cements the fanciful fact that the lofty landmark has humor to spare.

True, an upbeat irony may be lightly sprinkled across The Huntington's demure-themed tribute like so many delicate rose petals strewn across a grassy lawn.

But there is definitely demure-spiration to be found within, whether you're taking a serious or easygoing approach to the lighthearted late-summer trend.

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