Undie Up, LA: No Pants Day Is Upon Us

Merrymaking riders'll take to Metro in just their below-the-waist skivvies.

In the annals of prank-happy, merry-silly days, No Pants Day sits as high as a high-waisted pair of jeans.

Sure, there's International Pillow Fight Day in the spring (just ahead of tax day, too, in case you want to work some of that wrist cramp out on a fluffy cushion). October boasts Thrill the World, when ghouls around the world boogie and snarl en masse.

And Santa Con? Yeah, that delirious, drink-peppy day falls in December.

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But the pantlessiest day of the year arrives, with much cheek, in the heart of winter. Sunday, Jan. 12 is the date for 2014, which means this: Many people will leave the jeans and khakis at home and make for Metro. Once on the rails, breezy-kneed participants will join up with other brave, skin-baring adventurers as they rendezvous with captains and follow instructions as to what to do and where to go.

Improv Everywhere, the event's go-to group, has a set of helpful and highly specific instructions. One instruction, which is all in bold and capital letters and arrives with three exclamation points for emphasis? YOU MUST WEAR UNDERWEAR!!!

'Nuff said.

The Scene

Want to find new things to do in Los Angeles? The Scene's lifestyle stories have you covered. Here's your go-to source on where the fun is across SoCal and for the weekend.

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And while you may scoff at the idea that a wintertime pantless day is much of a thing here in sunshine-laden Southern California, consider this: This is happening in dozens of cities around the world, including some that have recently weathered the Polar Vortex.

Yep, heading to Hollywood & Highland, sans your sweatpants, doesn't seem too hard.

And while we suspect there shall be many unsuspecting sorts caught off-guard by the sights of fellow riders showing a lot of thigh on the ride, we have to believe that a few hearty souls who vowed to take more chances in the new year might give it a go.

Please, everyone, make sure those boxers and briefs are looking cute and neat. This is, indeed, the day for the very best undergarment in your drawer.

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