
Universal's Frog Choir Is Ribbeting

We mean "riveting," of course. Or do we?

Universal Studios Hollywood

What to Know

  • Holidays at Universal Studios Hollywood
  • The Wizarding World of Harry Potter
  • Included with theme park admission

It's not too difficult to name some truly riveting sights in this world.

A sunset that is mostly purple? So riveting. A great aria sung live by a sublime singer? Riveting to the max. The first spray of roses in the springtime? So rivet-able.

But to claim something is ribbeting? You'll probably need to be in ribbeting distance of an amphibian, and if you're that close to a certain ensorcelled toad, you're probably at The Wizarding World of Harry Potter.

For the famous, super-festive Giant Frog Choir is a seasonal staple at the Universal Studios Hollywood land, thanks to the fact that this fantastical froggies do more crooning than croaking.

For sure, they have some assistance from a host of Hogwarts-happy friends, so you'll see a line-up of humans holding plush pillows for the warty stars to rest upon as they warble.

It's a moment that's pretty magical, and a different way to savor the song-forward character of the season.


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These beasties, by the by, are behemoths, as far as froggy characters go, so you should be able to get a good look-see at them, whenever they do appear.

The shorty and snappy shows? They're pop-ups, and happening at various times during the day, so you'll want to stick close to the enchanted area to catch the Giant Frog Choir's wonderful and warty, we mean warble-y, performance during Wizarding World's annual Christmas revelries.

Universal Studios and NBC Owned TV Stations operate under the same parent company NBCUniversal.

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