Charm Central: Take a Carmel House Tour

Get to know the cottage-y burg through its quaint casas and gardens.

IF YOU'RE A BIT OF A LOOKIE-LOO, and a Nosy Noser, and a "What's Inside That Building?" Buff, and you long to know how various homes are decorated, and what's on the other side of the garden wall, well, then, you're the perfect candidate to join a home and garden tour. And while home and garden tours flower, like so many roses lining a porch, all around California with tick-tock regularity, finding a tour in a stand-out destination, a city that is beyond sweet, a town teeming with cottages and storybook appeal, is something grand, indeed. Oh gosh, we went and tipped our hand with "storybook" and "cottages" and "sweet" there, and now you 100% know we're talking about...

CARMEL-BY-THE-SEA: It's a place that is dotted with casas that are almost confectionery in nature, and the chance to step inside a few is a good chance, through and through. And that good chance is arriving on Saturday, June 23 when the Carmel House & Garden Tour returns, giving attendees a peek inside a number of historic and handsome houses and flowery plots. The price? It's $35 if you're not a member of the Carmel Heritage Society, $30 if you are. The hours? It's an oh-so-afternoon affair, running from 1 to 5 o'clock. Other doings apart from the main event, like a Friday evening cocktail gathering and Saturday morning brunch? Get the inside details now.

BUT DON'T DAWDLE OR HESITATE... if Carmel is one of our daydream spots and you've long longed to know La Vida Carmel, as in, what it is like to live there, better. An excellent chance is up soon, on June 23, dear lookie-loos and nosy nosers.

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