Julian's Main Street Fourth of July Parade

It's a clip-clop-tastic parade through the center of the Gold Rush town.

A PARADE DOWN MAIN STREET? It's such a sweetly cinematic event, one that includes some waving flags, some kids on bicycles, perhaps a handsome horse or two, and several people lining the route, all wearing their red, white, and blue best. And there are so many Main-Street-esque parades come the Fourth of July, whether or not those processions actually venture down a street named Main. But one of the Main-Street-iest of all the Independence Day celebrations, and an event that actually does take place on a thoroughfare called Main, has to be the old-fashioned parade that takes place in Julian each year. For the...

CHARMING GOLD COUNTRY BURG, which is still small enough to be called "walkable" but large enough to support a number of shops and pie-tastic cafés, is home to a Fourth of July parade that has some history and community-closeness to it. That the buildings the line the route hail the 19th century, and Julian's Gold Rush heyday, only adds to the festive flair. And that festive flair will be at its maximum merriness during "Julian's Star Spangled 4th," which happens to be the theme of the 2018 event.

BAG PIPES, drums and bugles, brassy tunes, belly dancers, tractors of another era, cars that are also of a wayback era, and several other clap-along, wave-and-smile sights will be part of this historic happenings. For times, where to go, and a look back at bygone parades, clip-clop in the direction of the Julian Fourth of July Parade online HQ now.

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