
A brand-new Flower Fields attraction will flutter with butterflies

Alight at the Butterfly Encounter, a new and airy offering at the Carlsbad destination.


What to Know

  • Butterfly Encounter
  • The Flower Fields in Carlsbad
  • The attraction, which is known for Giant Tecolote Ranunculus flowers, is open from March 1 through Mother's Day each year
  • Several events and diversions grace the spacious destination, including a Sweet Pea Maze, Tea in the Garden, and Golden Hour Pilates
  • The Butterfly Encounter will be $5, in addition to admission to The Flower Fields; tickets to The Flower Fields are available for purchase now

WORD ON THE WIND: We're fairly sure that butterflies don't telephone each other, nor do they text, send postcards, and drop private messages, but word must have gotten out on the winter wind that something ethereal and airy would soon be afoot at The Flower Fields. The Carlsbad attraction is synonymous with a spectacular springtime bloom, one that involves millions of Giant Tecolote Ranunculus blossoms, but there are other delightful diversions to dip into around the multi-acre destination.

IN 2025, a bevy of sun-catching insect sculptures created by artist Alex Heveri will dot the grounds, including, oh yes, oversized butterflies. So word must surely be out among the butterfly contingent that this is a season for winged things, for a new offering will flutter-flutter when The Flower Fields open March 1. It's the Butterfly Encounter, "a breathtaking display of color and beauty" thanks to hundreds of flying flitterers. "Get up close as you feed them sugar water and watch these delicate creatures land gently on your hand," a recommendation that is enticing and enchanting in equal measure. Further bolstering the butterfly vibes during the 2025 season? The upcoming theme is "Where Color Takes Flight," so sweet.

TICKETS TO THE FLOWER FIELDS? They're available now, oh joy, but as you plan your butterfly-fun, flower-focused escapade, keep a few things in mind. Weekends and holidays are very (like, very very) popular, and the time of peak bloom — mid-April or so, depending on the weather and other factors — also hums. But the attractions at the colorful Carlsbad spot are open throughout the season, and distinctive events festoon the calendar. It's enough to make the imagination take flight or at least prompt us to fly to the nearest screen to secure our entry.

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